Thursday, May 13, 2010

RECIPE - Pau de Burro Cocktail

This cocktail, served at the restaurant Faustino in Fortaleza, takes its name from one of the regional nicknames for cachaça - pau de burro. This vulgar, but not-too-vulgar, slang term for Brazil's most famous liquor can best be translated into vernacular English as "Donkey Dick". I don't know why this name was applied to cachaça and I'm not sure I want to know. I'll just make sure that when if and when I order one of these at Faustino, I'll be very clear that it's a drink that I want! (Bartender: What'll it be?" Customer: "I'll have a donkey dick.")

The drink is made here with caju honey, the honey obtained from bees that harvest the nectar of the caju tree. That, plus the use of local cachaça make it a real hometown cocktail here in Fortaleza. It's unlikely that you'll find caju honey, but you can substitute any very fragrant, floral honey, like honeysuckle, fireweed or clover.
RECIPE - Pau de Burro Cocktail
Makes 1 cocktail

1 cup crushed ice
1 Tbsp. caju honey or other floral honey
1 tsp. fresh-squeezed lime juice
2 oz. cachaça

Put all the ingredients in a cocktail shaker, close it, and shake thoroughly, up to one minute.

Pour into old-fashioned glass, garnish with lime slice, serve. 

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